Group Rides have begun!
Monday nights: Mountainview – 5:30-6:30 (Time subject to change) – These rides will be a clinic of some form, formal or informal. The stronger riders will disperse themselves amongst smaller groups of beginner or intermediate riders, and either do focused drills, or just ride and give on-trail advice. As such, these rides are for all ages and abilities, and all riders are *encouraged* to come and ride in a group, to learn or to help out!
Tuesday nights: 5:30-7:30 (Approx) – The venue is going to change – Mountainview one week, Copeland the next, and a fun new place each 3rd week. Check the calendar for details…print it out so you don’t forget! This ride is for intermediate/expert riders.
Wednesday nights – Road Rides: Meet at Baseline road and Angela Schmidt Foster Rd (drive in road) at 7pm. This means everyone has had a bit of a warmup getting there. We will ride a continuous paceline format, but at a fairly easy pace (30-32 k/hr) for the first couple of weeks – while everyone learns the rotation.